Friday, August 17, 2012

Cure found for Social Security & Medicare Problem

I'v been hearing those in our government talking about fixing Social Security and Medicare for years. Considering the fact that most in our government are millionaires, and other millionaires outside our government draw social security benefits from the system. I understand that (yes) they pay into social security as everyone should, But I feel that my case is a good example of the problem. I worked hands on labor for almost 30 years until my body would not let me do it anymore. I worked 40 to 60 hours a week and made around $35,000 a year. After becoming disabled  I received $1,142 a month in social security benefits ($13,704 a year) a 60+% Drop in income. While the average retired millionaire will receive around $ 80,000 a month in social security benefits, and like I said i do understand that they pay into the system. And  I am sure that I am not the only one that see's this to be a problem. I grew up believing that the Social Security System was put in place to help those like myself that work hard to provide for their families, Then through unfortunate events become unable to do so. With that in mind, the working class in America have to be wondering at what point do millionaires consider themselves socially secure. The average worker has to make $25,000 a year for 40 years to make $1,000,000 and most are unable to have any savings and have only bills to pay. While the Millionaires in Our Society only worries seem to be,( How can "I" be Richer )                                                                             ( The Greed in Society far out weighs Integrity or Common Sense ) How can we as Americans except that those that have (Millions) but still feel (Socially Insecure) as to draw from the Social Security System. To me this is just (Morally Wrong) and there's no trace of Common Sense in this logic. We The American People Deserve a Better Governing Body as with any successful Employees, We The American People pay those High wages for Our Government to ( Look out for us ). I mean really, Has know one thought to Do The Math. If the Social Security System was (not paying out) to those who should be feeling Socially Secure with their $Millons$ + bank accounts. = A strong Social Security System would emerge from the Greed of the Rich (and they would still be Rich) Just without the Morally Reprehensible Acts of Greed being inflected upon the Social Security System.                                                                                                                                                                                              Current TV, SMS nice !   If I can see this as a problem, then why can't the ones that we pay to catch the glitches see the problem.                                                                  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Congress Caught in Illegal Acts

How is it that those in Congress know that Insider Trading is Illegal but they have done it anyway. When it came to lite a Bill was passed saying they can't do it anymore. My problem with that is, That when they took Office they knew the Insider Trading was not only Wrong But Illegal. But Made the choice to ignore the Laws They Swore to Uphold. All those involved Should be Investigated and Prosecuted and made to Pay Back all they have Profited from their Illegal Ventures. And Never be allowed to hold another position within our Government.
Mitt Romney says he wants to do for the country what Michigan's government has done for Michigan. Lets put that into perspective. Michigan has the worst roads in the country. Michigan has the highest unemployment in the country. Michigan has always had higher than average gas prices. And Michigan has raised property taxes even with property values are on the decline. Raised the sales tax from 4% to 6% and yet our state of Michigan is in Debt. Sounds right, If the rest of the country does as good as Michigan we will all be out of work. And somehow Mitt will once again figure out a way to profit from our Countries demise. Vote Ron Paul 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If all workers even minimum wage have to submit to drug testing. Then why is it that the ones that our Tax Dollars pay the salaries of are Exempt from Drug Testing. ( White House, Congress, Senate, CIA, FBI, Governors, Mayors, City, Counties and State Police ) 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tesla's Lost Dream of giving the World Free Electricity

All the monolithic structures on our planet were positioned for a reason. Nikola Tesla was given the key, He knew and proved that we could produce Free electricity from earths atmosphere. He believed if he was to build his towers in different areas that he could offer free electricity to the world. Tesla did not realize that the monolithic structures together formed a natural electronics grid. Since Tesla was not a rich man and could not find the backing for his projects, It drove him to the brink of insanity. Having all this knowledge, and wanting to share it with the world. He only wanted to make life better for all of us but was stifled by the wealthy. Westinghouse had a great opportunity to share Tesla's achievements with the world. Unfortunately Greed dictates in our society. Even after proving to our government that his concepts worked, Our government wrote him off as crazed. After Nikola Tesla's death the U.S Government rushed in and confiscated all of Tesla's work and only released the portions they felt they could profit from. The concept of free electricity is alive and well, Provided we can get the greedy bastards of the world to just let go and let the people of our planet prosper from Tesla's knowledge that was given to him for all of us.

Average American Looking for a Job

Started the day early, having set my alarm clock (made in Japan) for 6:00am While the coffee pot (made in China) was perking, I shaved with my electric razor (made in Hong Kong) Put on my dress shirt (made in Sri Lanka), designer jeans (made in Singapore) and my tennis shoes (made in Korea). After cooking breakfast in the electric skillet (made in India), I sat down with my calculator (made in Mexico) to figure out how much I could afford to spend today. After setting my watch (made in Taiwan) to the radio (made in India) I got in my car (made in Germany) and went in search of a good paying American job. After yet another discouraging and fruitless day, I went home and decided to relax for a while. I put on my slippers (made in Brazil) Poured myself a glass of wine (made in France) Turned on my TV (made in Indonesia) I sat and wondered why I could'nt find a good paying American job.It's not how much money a man has, as it is the way he obtained it. Kind of makes you wonder where all the Rich Government Officials invest their money. Since most of our good paying American Jobs are gone, and some how some of our.
government officials are still boasting that they make $250,000,000 a year while we starve.