Thursday, February 16, 2012

Congress Caught in Illegal Acts

How is it that those in Congress know that Insider Trading is Illegal but they have done it anyway. When it came to lite a Bill was passed saying they can't do it anymore. My problem with that is, That when they took Office they knew the Insider Trading was not only Wrong But Illegal. But Made the choice to ignore the Laws They Swore to Uphold. All those involved Should be Investigated and Prosecuted and made to Pay Back all they have Profited from their Illegal Ventures. And Never be allowed to hold another position within our Government.
Mitt Romney says he wants to do for the country what Michigan's government has done for Michigan. Lets put that into perspective. Michigan has the worst roads in the country. Michigan has the highest unemployment in the country. Michigan has always had higher than average gas prices. And Michigan has raised property taxes even with property values are on the decline. Raised the sales tax from 4% to 6% and yet our state of Michigan is in Debt. Sounds right, If the rest of the country does as good as Michigan we will all be out of work. And somehow Mitt will once again figure out a way to profit from our Countries demise. Vote Ron Paul 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If all workers even minimum wage have to submit to drug testing. Then why is it that the ones that our Tax Dollars pay the salaries of are Exempt from Drug Testing. ( White House, Congress, Senate, CIA, FBI, Governors, Mayors, City, Counties and State Police ) 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tesla's Lost Dream of giving the World Free Electricity

All the monolithic structures on our planet were positioned for a reason. Nikola Tesla was given the key, He knew and proved that we could produce Free electricity from earths atmosphere. He believed if he was to build his towers in different areas that he could offer free electricity to the world. Tesla did not realize that the monolithic structures together formed a natural electronics grid. Since Tesla was not a rich man and could not find the backing for his projects, It drove him to the brink of insanity. Having all this knowledge, and wanting to share it with the world. He only wanted to make life better for all of us but was stifled by the wealthy. Westinghouse had a great opportunity to share Tesla's achievements with the world. Unfortunately Greed dictates in our society. Even after proving to our government that his concepts worked, Our government wrote him off as crazed. After Nikola Tesla's death the U.S Government rushed in and confiscated all of Tesla's work and only released the portions they felt they could profit from. The concept of free electricity is alive and well, Provided we can get the greedy bastards of the world to just let go and let the people of our planet prosper from Tesla's knowledge that was given to him for all of us.

Average American Looking for a Job

Started the day early, having set my alarm clock (made in Japan) for 6:00am While the coffee pot (made in China) was perking, I shaved with my electric razor (made in Hong Kong) Put on my dress shirt (made in Sri Lanka), designer jeans (made in Singapore) and my tennis shoes (made in Korea). After cooking breakfast in the electric skillet (made in India), I sat down with my calculator (made in Mexico) to figure out how much I could afford to spend today. After setting my watch (made in Taiwan) to the radio (made in India) I got in my car (made in Germany) and went in search of a good paying American job. After yet another discouraging and fruitless day, I went home and decided to relax for a while. I put on my slippers (made in Brazil) Poured myself a glass of wine (made in France) Turned on my TV (made in Indonesia) I sat and wondered why I could'nt find a good paying American job.It's not how much money a man has, as it is the way he obtained it. Kind of makes you wonder where all the Rich Government Officials invest their money. Since most of our good paying American Jobs are gone, and some how some of our.
government officials are still boasting that they make $250,000,000 a year while we starve.

Paid Slaves in America Where do you stand

Lincoln freed the slaves, or did he just change the name to labor force. If you think about it, Pretty smart move. By doing this He made it possible for the Wealthy to keep their Labor Force (Slaves) by paying them just enough to survive on. Now they would have to pay rent, buy their own food and support their families on a very low wage. Not only could they do this to the African Americans, But now they could do it to all Nationalities. Allowing the wealthy to maintain their life styles at the expense of the poor. Here we are in the 21st century and this concept is still alive and well. We used to have good paying jobs in America, But the wealthy found that if they moved the jobs to other countries they could obtain a cheaper labor force (Paid Slaves) at a discount price. Thus making them even more wealthy as our country falls deeper into a Depressionary State. Now we have Millions of unemployed or under employed Proud Americans forced to seek help from the Government that has allowed this to happen to them. Now our once Proud American labor force can Beg for Food Stamps, Beg for the Resources to try and keep their homes that they worked so hard for when they had a good paying job. Now they have a home they cant afford, a family they cant afford to feed as the cost of living just keeps on rising. As we the Once Proud American Work Force slip deeper into poverty. Yet so many here in America will just follow and believe what ever our Government tells them to believe. As you can see, Not much has changed. The Rich keep getting Richer and us (Paid Slaves) just stay on the Poor side of Society. Making the American Dream unobtainable for most of The Labor Force (Paid Slaves) Still we are Proud to be Americans and can still Hope and dream of a better future. I wish you all the Best. 

American Schools not preparing our Kids for Life after School.

America has a well educated elected staff which we entrust the well being and best interests of its people. But our people remain under educated. They don't teach law in our public schools, yet we are told ignorance of the law is no excuse. Our education system teaches only the basics leaving our children unprepared for life. The Constitution is discussed, but not taught so as to understand it's True Meaning for the people. (I am guessing that most of our government elect did'nt bother to take the classes on what the Constitution is for, Explaining "some" of their actions) Our kids coming out of our public high schools are expected to go out and get jobs, but when it comes time to due their Taxes most are dumbfounded. ( I'm 51 and clueless when it comes to tax time) Somewhere, Somehow the Common Sense aspect of Education has disappeared . Does our Government want kids to believe that Ignorance is Bliss and that its Ok to start their lives without at least these Basic skills.
It makes me sick to hear Obama brag how he helped save General Motors. In 2008 GM had 266,000 employees. After Obama's help GM is down to 202,000 employees. That's means 64,000 employees lost their jobs. Instead GM bought a bunch of Robots to replace those 64,000 employees. Here I thought when Obama bailed GM out, It was to put their unemployed workers back to work. Not to buy robots to replace the workers. Out of the 47 facilities still operating GM plans on closing 13 of those by 2014 and shipping all of those Jobs overseas. So go ahead and Brag Mr. President, We the people know the truth. And you cash for clunkers program was a Joke. The only ones that program helped were the ones that could afford a new car anyway. The cars that were traded in were newer than the average worker could afford. And instead of those car going to a Wheels to Work Program, Our Government added a stipulation that the auto dealers must pour stuff in the engines to freeze them up. Then the cars some as new as 2005 were crushed. So many people here in America want to work , But can't afford to go out and buy a car to get to where the jobs are. So go out and Brag Mr. President, We the people Know The Truth.